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Project Monitor – Effort Tracking allows you to track effort estimated, spent and remaining to complete the project.

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It allows you to keep monitored the Effort through the following information:


  • Use remaining estimate:  if selected, the  plugin will use the Remaining Estimate (the remaining amount of time currently anticipated to resolve the issues) to determine the value of “ Estimated Time Remaining”.  Further information in the section: “Use Remaining Estimate” Checkbox;
  • Board: allows you to specify the Agile Board you would like to monitor;
  • Sprint Selection: allows you to specify the Sprint (belonging to the JIRA Agile Board) that you want to track in the gadget;
  • Refresh Interval: you can specify how often you would like the gadget to update.

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“Use Remaining Estimate” Checkbox


Glossary used in JIRA issues

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Original Estimate (blue)The original estimate of the amount of time anticipated to resolve the issue. (This is indicated as Estimated when viewing an issue.)
Remaining Estimate (orange)The remaining amount of time currently anticipated to resolve the issue. (This is indicated as Remaining when viewing an issue.)
Time Spent (green)The amount of time logged working on the issue so far. (This is indicated as Logged when viewing an issue.)

Glossary used in Project Monitor – Effort Tracking

Estimated Time Spent

The value of the Estimated Time Spent is the sum of:

1. Actual Time Spent value, in case of open issues where:

  • Remaining Estimate > 0 , if “Use Remaining Estimate Checkbox” is selected;
  • (Original Estimate – Time Spent) > 0 , if “Use Remaining Estimate Checkbox” is not selected;

2. Original Estimate value, in case of open issues where:

  • Remaining Estimate = 0 , if “Use Remaining Estimate Checkbox” is selected;
  • (Original Estimate – Time Spent) <= 0 , if “Use Remaining Estimate Checkbox” is not selected;

3. Original Estimate value, in case of closed issues.

Note: for issues where Original Estimate Value has not been defined, Project Monitor will use Original Estimate = Actual Time Spent ( Logged)

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Caso 1: L’Actual Time Spent è il contributo di questa issue al valore finale dell’Estimated Time Spent

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Caso 2: L’Original Estimate è il contributo di questa issue al valore finale dell’Estimated Time Spent

Estimated Time RemainingThe value of the Estimated Time Remaining in open issues may be different according to the user selection of “Use Remaining Estimate” checkbox in the gadget’s control panel. Further information in the section:  “Use Remaining Estimate” Checkbox.

For closed issues, Estimated Time Remaining is always considered to be zero.

Actual Time SpentThe value of Actual Time Spent  is obtained by adding all the Time Spent (Logged), for both open and closed issues.
Projected Time Remaining The Projected Time Remaining is an estimate of the residual time left until the end of the project, based on the values of Estimated Time Spent Estimated Time Remaining and Actual Time Spent.
Estimated Time TotalThe Estimated Time Total  is the sum of Estimated Time Spent and Estimated Time Remaining.
Projected Time TotalThe Projected Time Total  is the sum of Actual Time Spent and Projected Time Total.
DeltaDelta is the difference between  Estimated Time Total  and Projected Time Total.  The gadget shows the Delta between Estimated Time Total andProjected Time Total in a coloured circle. It is green when the delta is positive, red when negative.

Version History

You can find Version History and Compatibility here